Gene Marks: Page 19

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
President of The Marks Group

Gene Marks is a CPA and owner of The Marks Group PC, a ten-person technology and financial consulting firm located near Philadelphia founded in 1994.

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Latest: Page 19

Thought Leaders

What Business Owners Can Learn From Taxi Drivers

Being a good cab driver is a great allegory for being an entrepreneur.

Business News

5 Lies That Come Out of Entrepreneurs' Mouths

You may not think so, but falsehoods are a part of doing business.

Growing a Business

Why Can Some Businesses Get Away With High Prices?

Ivy League schools, top doctors and rock stars provide a lesson for your business.

Operations & Logistics

You Won't Find What Makes a Hire 'Special' on Their Resume

Businesses are all the same, which is why experience in your field shouldn't matter when interviewing job candidates.

Growing a Business

7 Ways Your Employees Are Stealing From You

Is one of your employees augmenting their paycheck -- at your expense? Here are some ways they may do just that.


3 Reasons Why You'll Never Be Super Successful

Sure, we're all getting by. But what really separates us from the mega rich and powerful?